New Chapter

Created by john 13 years ago
LOrna was traumatised as a child She was sexually abused by a man brought into her home from carstairs penetentiary in scotland. although this man had been in jail for terrible sex crimes needless to say, he committed terrifying sexual acts on lorna, even though her parents knew his past, they did not believe Lorna was telling the truth Lorna could not cope with her inner torment, she becanme anorexic Lorna died on the 17th of November 2007 after losing her long fight with her horrible illness She did not die unloved, for I and my childtren and grandchildren loved her very much. lorna said that we were the only family she ever had. Lorna's story is typical of many stories that you read of people who could not fight the inner feelings that these satanic evils do to their minds When i met her in 2003 lorna was very near death. Under my care she lived four more years, but they were happy years, as she said it was the happiest she had ever been. I would do it all again ,but hope things would have turned out better, but alas Lorna could not overcome her trauma, She lies buried in Carluke cemetary Lorna was thirty three years old when she passed away in Wishaw general on the 17th November, 2007. I love her still. and I alway's will John